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Gerd mainly affects the esophagus part of the body which is caused by the stomach acidity. Doctors believe that some people suffer from GERD due to a condition called hiatal hernia. This disease is called as Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease Symptoms because Gastroesophageal means “stomach” and reflux means returning the flow of the stomach contents back into the esophagus.
Normally the esophagus is the gateway where the food intake is passed to the stomach and from there the digestion process takes place. But here the people who are suffering from the Gastroesophageal reflux the food taken by them is being pushed back into the esophagus again because of the acidic content from the stomach making the food indigestible thus it results in GERD.
So the question here is what is causing the food to move push back into the esophagus and what is the reason behind the increase in the acidic content in the body? Let’s see the causes of the GERD.
There are many reasons for the GERD diseases but the main cause is due to diet intake by the people. An improper diet of the people is making is one of the causes of GERD disease.
Few factors which cause GERD are as follows:
Such type food causes GERD. So now the question is how to identify whether a person is suffering from GERD and what symptoms one should be looking for the Gerd Disease Symptoms.
Symptoms of GERD Disease:
Heartburn is the main symptom of the GERD disease here the person suffering from GERD has a burning feeling in the chest behind the breastbone which normally starts after eating, it might be heartburn. The symptoms last for several hours
Heartburn symptoms begin to appear when stomach acid splashes up into the esophagus which is basically a tube that connects the back of the throat and stomach. Apart from the burning feeling in the chest, patient may also suffer from the following:
Hoarseness – In case if the acidic reflux gets past the upper esophageal muscle then there might be the case where it can enter the throat (pharynx) and even the voice box (larynx), causing hoarseness or a sore throat which makes the person difficult to take the food.
A patient who often has Chronic a dry cough symptom increases more especially at night. Reflux Disease Causes is a common cause of unexplained coughing. It is not clear how a cough is caused or aggravated by GERD.
GERD also causes Asthma in some patients. The Refluxed acid can worsen asthma by irritating the airways which are difficult for the person to breath and patient often experience air shortage in breathing.
Lump in the throat:
GERD causes the person to experience a lump in the throat often making the person to vomit. The lump in the throat makes the patient impossible to breathe and take food. And in few cases the lump causes the person to cough more and rupture the throat muscle.
A sudden increase of saliva:Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease Symptoms
An increase in saliva level is seen the GERD suffering patients. This makes the patient’s mouth watery.
Bad breath:
Due to the increase in the level of the acidic quantity in the stomach the food is flushed back to esophagus which makes the person burp and cough more often. This results in bad breath.
Barrett’s esophagus is another serious complication of GERD, In Barrett’s esophagus
, the normal tissue lining the esophagus tube which carries food from the mouth to the stomach changes to tissue that resembles the lining of the intestine. About 20% of people with the chronic symptoms of GERD develop Barrett’s esophagus.
In case of Laryngospasm, the vocal cords swell up and close when taking in a breath, which blocks the flow of air into the lungs. People with this condition wake up from a sound sleep and find themselves unable to speak or breathe. Although this symptom appears to be frightening it only lasts for a couple of minutes.
Laryngospasm can be triggered by various factors such as asthma commonly gastroesophageal reflux disease. GERD is a disease symptom that occurs when the esophagus muscle that normally closes to keep the stomach’s contents from reflux doesn’t work when the acidic content of the stomach increases. And with the reflux of the harsh acids from the stomach level up into the esophagus and cause irritation.
Other common GERD symptoms include
When person experience such symptoms then they should see a doctor to treat the GERD in the early stages. Some people neglect these symptoms and later they experience severe symptoms like
These are some extreme GERD condition symptoms that should not be ignored and must be treated by the doctor right away.