We publish high quality and balanced information in our blog posts after a thorough health researches by our health Experts.
Ever wondered why do we need a daily clean up? This fact might drive you into maintaining daily hygiene essentially every day. The fact that on an average a human body has got about approximately 2 square meters of skin and that we produce a pint of sweat every day. It sounds like a lot of maintenance is required but we can keep ourselves clean just by maintaining daily personal hygiene habits. For instance, Using hand washes every now and then throughout the day can prevent a lot of infectious diseases. Washing your face with a good moisturizing face wash twice or thrice a day can keep you away from eye infections like eye stye. Maintaining good hygiene is not merely keeping the bacteria away it also keeps you feel fresh & confident throughout the day. Here are 5 Tips to stay fresh all-day –
1. Eat Good, Feel Good
It’s true that by keeping your body clean from head & teeth to your skin body and feet can maintain your overall cleanliness the whole day till evening but the fact that our diet plays a huge role in shaping up to our health & keep us feeling fresh is true too. We need to eliminate & add certain foods like turmeric and ginger in our daily diet to keep us from feeling lazy and looking glum.
Some foods make us reek of a different kind of smell, foods that have heavy gravies, curries, chilli, oil are to blame the most. Some foods that contain too much garlic, onions, some veggies like broccoli and some types of cheese contain volatile organic compounds that cause our bodies to stink like the Italian lunch we just had as these compounds are released with our sweat. Always take some vitamins & supplements to support your hectic lifestyle.
The worst of all foods that make us stink and keep us feeling glum the whole day is red meat. Researchers across the world, in different studies, found that men who didn’t eat red meat were considered as the better smelling than the people who consumed red meat regularly.
2. A Daily bath is a Must
A daily shower should be part of your daily morning ritual like your exercise & breakfast routine. Taking shower relaxes your body and reduces stress, washes away the dirt & bacteria with it making you feel like a new being every day. Taking a shower after work like in the night can take away the tiredness and dullness of the day. But do not get carried away with bathing as doing too much of that can strip your body off the good bacteria from your skin. Remember to take daily showers but for a shorter period and with warm water not hot. You can add some Epsom salt to the bathing water to get a spa feeling daily.
For keeping your face feeling fresh the whole day you can always keep your purse stashed with Mild Facial Wipes and for that matter, you can also keep hand wipes with you.
3. Dirty Clothes Equal to Stinky Body
What’s the benefit of keeping yourself clean daily and wearing dirty clothes? Clothes can be dirty more than you can imagine. We sweat in our daily wear, in our gym wear and our office wear so proper and time to time sanitization is a must to keep your clothes from harbouring diseases from resting bacteria & viruses in your clothes. It the case is of you sweating too much, prefer clothes made up of cotton and wool because they quickly absorb your sweat and wick it out in the air naturally defending bacterial growth. What about Foot Odour? The remedy to this is that you should wash your feet daily, dry them properly and wear socks made up of cotton and not from synthetic material.
4. Maintain Oral Hygiene Daily
It’s bad and sad news that most of the people in the world suffer from bad breath problems just because they still don’t know how to maintain their oral hygiene. But the Good news is that daily brushing, use inter-dental floss and cleaning the tongue clean will keep your breath fresh the whole day. Maintaining this routine will also keep your teeth and gums healthy for a longer time. Dentists recommend brushing your teeth at least twice daily and flossing at least once daily. The most important thing is not to ignore using a tongue scraper daily as keeping your tongue clean keeps your breath fresh the whole day. You can use apple cider vinegar as a mouthwash.
5. Deodorants & Antiperspirants
Deodorants and antiperspirants are the salvation for the heavy sweaters. Indians spend crores every year on this segment of personal care item. Antiperspirants and deodorants are totally different so you have got a choice when to use what as per your daily need and activity log.
Antiperspirant blocks your pores to stop your sweat whereas deodorant masks your body odour. So if you want that the sweat rings shouldn’t appear on your shirt apply an antiperspirant. If you have no time to worry about the body odour just apply good deodorant that will mask the bad odour. Some products contain both so your personal preference will dictate what best suits you.
Source: Wat-Not
Neurologist are the medical experts who diagnose and treat problems related to nervous system. Diseases poignant the brain, medulla spinalis and nerves area unit usually diagnosed by conducting medical specialty tests. Doctor look for any indication of illness related to your nervous system, by conducting several tests depending upon patients symptom or after analyzing your medical history. They don’t do any surgery.
Some hospitals provide Sophisticated Brain Imaging Technology which can be used for creating optimal plan for treatments.
Main symptoms or diseases when we should take the consultation of a neurologist are :
There are some tests which can be conducted depending upon symptoms are :
There are many hospitals all over the india where high quality neurological care is provided to people and among them Hyderabad is the host of some well known hospitals where excellent treatment are provided.
Now, most of the people having access to internet lead them to look for best hospitals or doctor where they can get better treatment which makes them more confusion where they should actually go.
If you are not sure where you should head for neurological or any kind treatment or consultation, then Credihealth is an online solution to all healthcare needs.
Their team of medical experts are there for you in every step of the way : – from finding the best neurologist in hyderabad , booking appointments and diagnostic tests to ordering medicines.
A good health helps people to live their life to the fullest without getting mentally and physically unfit, unhealthy lifestyle slumps one’s welfare.
Staying a healthier life and being fit is very important for all the generation. Eating healthy and exercising are the best 2 ways to cling to your health both mentally and physically.
Health professionals examine diabetes, lethargic attitude, cancer, depression, and many other physical and mental health problems to deficiencies in fitness and well-being of a person.
Obesity and lack of physical strength in a younger generation set the criteria for heart disease, diabetes, and other serious health issues.
People who are fit both physically and mentally tend to deal with every circumstance and are brave enough to face it with a smile, and are not affected by extreme changes in the situations.
Spending time outdoors, under the sun, inhaling fresh air, grasping the atmosphere and participating in healthy activities is a must for every human being, staying active makes you energetic.
Daily vital activities such as walking, running, playing, cycling, gardening, swimming, weight-lifting, skipping, and Yoga help you maintain your fitness and healthy lifestyle.
A person, who take his/her health seriously, and are serious about sustaining their fitness, workouts on a daily basis, eat a healthy diet and sleep well on time for the adequate duration.
Staying healthy and fit increases your confidence and concentration power, one can set an example for others.
It will help others to increase their health, knowledge, nutrition, and consumption of sustainably produced foods.
The following are the reasons that lead to health collapse:
Natural facts such as pollution, climate, etc. also make us unhealthy and unfit. We must take preventive measures to defend ourselves against these natural phenomena.
Staying healthy and fit is not a difficult task if taken as the core priority. By following the simple steps mentioned above, each one of us can live a fit, healthy, and fruitful life.
Maintaining the balance of thoughts, rigorous exercise, balanced nutritional diet, optimum level of sleep, Yoga, etc. are actually the vital contributors for our wellbeing and a healthy lifestyle.
The fact is, we are solely responsible to create the conditions that lead to an unhealthy and unfit lifestyle. So, we should forcefully develop good habits and become capable of taking up the rest measures to lead a healthy and fit lifestyle.
Author’s Bio
Riyaz Khan – Content Writer
I may not be a hardcore Philosopher nor a great novel writer, I am a player who plays with words. My pen is my sword which battles every single subject in which my knowledge act as a shield. My words believe in my writing talent, so I am here to help you with my little word game. I hope you will find the same as I did with my skills, cheers…!!!