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best neurologist in hyderabad

How to Find the Best Neurologist

famous neuro physician in hyderabad

Neurologist are the medical experts who diagnose and treat problems related to nervous system. Diseases poignant the brain, medulla spinalis and nerves area unit usually diagnosed by conducting medical specialty tests. Doctor look for any indication of illness related to your nervous system, by conducting several tests depending upon patients symptom or after analyzing your medical history. They don’t do any surgery.

Some hospitals provide Sophisticated Brain Imaging Technology which can be used for creating optimal plan for treatments.

Main symptoms or diseases when we should take the consultation of a neurologist are :

  • Back pain
  • Spine injury
  • Epilepsy
  • Alzheimer
  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • Brain Tumor
  • Peripheral Neuropathy
  • Parkinson’s Disease
  • Tremors, Stroke
  • Dementia
  • Neuro-Muscular Disorder
  • Numbness, Sleeplessness
  • Memory Loss
  • Vertigo/Spinning sensation
  • Speech Difficulty
  • Tingling and Paraesthesia.

There are some tests which can be conducted depending upon symptoms are :

  • Repetitive Nerve Simulation test(RNS)
  • Trans Cranial Doppler(TCD)
  • Tremor Analysis Test
  • Brainstem Evoked Response Audiometry(BEAR)
  • Nerve Condution Test
  • Electomyography or electromyogram(EMG)
  • Visual Evoked Potential(VEP)
  • Electroencephalograph(EEG)
  • Spinal tap or Lumbar puncture
  • Nerve Biopsy
  • Brain Imaging Test, etc.

There are many hospitals all over the india where high quality neurological care is provided to people and among them Hyderabad is the host of some well known hospitals where excellent treatment are provided.

Now, most of the people having access to internet lead them to look for best hospitals or doctor where they can get better treatment which makes them more confusion where they should actually go.

If you are not sure where you should head for neurological or any kind treatment or consultation, then Credihealth is an online solution to all healthcare needs.

Their team of medical experts are there for you in every step of the way  :  – from finding the best neurologist in hyderabad , booking appointments and diagnostic tests to ordering medicines.