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Simple Facts About Depression And Its Symptoms


Depression is one of the most common mental disorders. According to WHO around 350 million people suffer from depression worldwide. This number continues to grow. It is estimated that by 2020, depression will be the second cause of disability. It is believed that depression is simply a change in mood. Also, it is a pessimistic outlook on life. However, this is just a common misconception – if left untreated, depression can turn into a severe form, and in the worst case, lead to suicide. Many tend to depreciate the suffering of people in depression, but it is worth remembering that depression is a disease that needs to be treated. Many treatment methods exist to treat depression. These treatment methods are quite effective, but only about 10% of patients who need it receive the necessary therapy. Let’s discuss common depression symptoms and possible treatment.

Let us begin by knowing Some Important facts about Depression


Important Facts About Depression


  • Depression is not just a mood: People in depression are often sad and depressed. Depression is, lack of interest in something that used to please and bring pleasure, are constantly present, interfering with work, family life and everything else. Apathy is replaced by anger, and anger is replaced by apathy.
  • Antidepressants won’t turn you into zombies: Unfortunately, many refuse to take antidepressants, believing that these drugs are addictive and other side effects. Modern drugs are almost safe. The correct selection of the drug can cope with depression without any serious complications.

  • Improvement does not always mean healing: Some patients experience a short-term depression that they quickly manage to cope with. In most cases, the disease becomes chronic: for months, years, and even decades, people feel the symptoms of the disease and are being treated.
  • Depression is not a form of Sadness: Often people think that depression is the same as sadness but it is more than that. Sadness is a natural reaction to any painful situation while Depression is a physical illness.


Common Sign And Symptoms Of Depression

People expect depression to manifest in something obvious. For example, if a loved one starts crying regularly or is angry without reason, then this may be a depression symptom. Here is the list of Depression symptoms, which are easily go unnoticed.


Depressed people tend to look for loneliness because they want to understand themselves and their feelings. “If your friend has always been sociable, but suddenly became withdrawn and indecisive, this may well be a sign of depression”. Other signs: the constant desire to sleep and watch TV instead of outdoor activities, which has always been a good tradition.


Depression is a rather debilitating thing. That is why people who constantly analyze themselves and their actions, trying to understand what is happening with their lives, always feel tired. “Depression takes a huge amount of energy, so it does not remain to solve important everyday tasks”.

Fatigue can also cause sleep disturbances (or changes in its structure and depth). Studies show that people suffering from insomnia are 10 times more likely to develop deep depression.

Lack of motivation

Always a punctual colleague suddenly became late for meetings and do it with enviable regularity? Perhaps this is not just a change of habits. Many depressed people lose motivation. This concerns not only work but the desire to put up in the morning and generally do something.

Polar temperament

When an always calm and the positive-minded person suddenly begins to behave in the opposite way (nervous, angry and arguing with everyone who does not agree with his point of view), this can also be a sign of depression. Why it happens? Depression is stress, which overloads the emotional background so that it can shift, effort, or, rarely, weaken the expression of emotions. In the latter case, depression obviously takes too much energy, as a result of which the person stops responding to any events, taking them for granted.

Change in appearance

If your loved one suddenly loses or gains weight without rational reasons, you should think about it. In both cases, we can talk about eating disorders, but anorexia, bulimia and orthorexia are invariably accompanied by depressive moods. Weight fluctuations are a surprisingly common symptom of people who are depressed. This should also include inattention to appearance: especially, in cases where usually a person always watched himself and tried to make a pleasant impression.

Sexual dysfunction

“Lack of interest in sex can be a sign of depression”. This symptom is difficult to identify, as the partner may refuse your sexual intercourse for other reasons. However, in the case of sexual dysfunction, it is quite obvious that the problem should be sought in the mood.

The fact is that the brain is directly connected with our reproductive system. Thus, attraction to a partner originates in the brain, and only then this signal is transmitted through the neurotransmitters to the genitals by stimulating the flow of blood to them. When a person is depressed, neurotransmitters lose the ability to effectively transmit “information.” In addition, depression can cause partners to distance themselves from each other, which will make intimacy even more difficult

Possible Treatment For Depression

Many people think that depression is not curable, but the very important thing you need to know is depression is curable. Even the most severe forms of depression are successfully cured if the patient uses an effective treatment that is offered by psychiatry, psychotherapy.

Also, Talk to your doctor for possible treatment. For this, you can combine Conventional and Lifestyle change therapies. Some of the Depression (Depression Meaning in Hindi) Treatment is as follows:

    1. Medicines: Your doctor may prescribe an antidepressant, antioxidants, or antipsychotic medicines.
    2. psychotherapy: In this therapy, you can talk with your psychiatrist and learn the skills to deal with negative emotions. You can also take help from family or group medical sessions.
    3. Light therapy: Depression symptoms can be reduced with the help of White Light therapy. This therapy is also helpful in mood control. This therapy is used for the treatment of major depressive disorders.
    4. Alternative Treatment: Depression is also treated with the help of acupuncture or meditation; consult your doctor about this too. Some herbal supplements such as St. John’s Worm, SAMe and fish oil are also used for depression.
    5. Regular Exercise: Exercise for at least 3 to 5 days, for 30 minutes in a week. Regular exercise increases your hormone called endorphins in your body which makes your mood good.
    6. Avoid alcohol and drugs: Alcohol and drugs can provide relief for some time, but its consumption can increase depression and anxiety for a long time.