Pediatrician, Child Specialist in Jaipur

Common Childhood illnesses and Their Treatments


It is quite common for children to have sickness. This chapter describes ordinary or common diseases.

40 percent of India’s population is less than 14 years of age. About 12 children of every hundred children are actually under 5 years of age. Disease and death dominate more with younger age. Out of 100 born children, 5 are born before completing one year of their age. This death rate of children is significantly higher than the mortality rates of developed countries. In developed countries, this rate is less than one percent. If we look at the pattern of length and weight of Indian children and their diseases, then we know that their health is not good either. The growth of about 40 percent of Indian children has not improved and they are malnourished.

The poor health of children and the deaths of children in India is the only bad condition of living. Due to these conditions, conditions of malnutrition, infection, disease and accidents are created. In most communities of India, there is even more difficult situations for boys than birth. It is also a great problem for the girl to know about the pregnancy when she is abducted, and to finish the girl immediately after birth or to throw it out on a cudden. Malnutrition, illness, lack of care and deaths are also seen in the case of girls. For this reason, the gender ratio in India is less than the number of girls compared to men or boys.

In spite of having large-scale illnesses in children, there is a lack of children’s health services. Most health workers and private medical practitioners of rural areas are not trained for children’s health services. Anganwadi programs run for the care of special children are also limited to complementary nutrition and immunization. Apart from this, many children are born in homes and newborn babies are not well cared for. In India 30 percent of children are losing weight while they are born and they have to struggle a lot to stay alive. This chapter will help you to understand the health of children’s health.

A list of children’s diseases

  • Digestive System

Problems of getting out of teeth, headache, vomiting and amatitis, diarrhea, dysentery, stomach ache, jaundice, cremation, motijara, dohad, constipation and accident to poison.

  • The respiratory system

Colds, tonsillitis, or swelling of throat, throat deterioration (swelling), vascular edema, bronchitis, pneumonia, tuberculosis, cardiovascular disease, asthma.

  • Skin

Sores, infected lesions, eczema, louse, palm (scabies), Dandru worm.

  • Eyes

Achious eye, ulcers in cornea, night blindness, difficulty in seeing and adoring

  • Ear

External ear infections, foam in the outer ear, waxing in the ear, infection of the middle arteries and deafness.

  • The nervous system

Inflammatory edema, cerebral edema, tetanus, polio, epilepsy and mentally undeveloped. Heart and transmission: Diseases of congenital worms and valves

  • Skeletal system

Foot-shaped disturbances, disorders of other bones and joints, rickets, bone infections, muscle depletion due to malnutrition, muscular disorders.

  • Blood

Dermatitis Anemia, anemia, malaria, cancer and blood disorders related to iron deficiency

  • Lymphatic fibers

Filariarias, cancer, throat bumps and viruses.

  • Harmon

Diabetes, Diarrhea, Pneumatic Disease and Inhibition in Growth

  • Genitourinary system

Renal inflammation (renal edema), epidermal syndrome, bladder infection, urethritis, stomach and urination.

  • Male enzyme system

Absence of testicularity completely, lack of testis and sterile light.

  • Female genital organ

Less developed ovaries or uterus

  • Other diseases

Measles, rubella, small maternal ancestry, malnutrition, premature birth, weight loss at birth.

  • Accidents

Injury, burning, bitten by some insects, drowning, electric shock, running an external thing in the ear or nose or moving in toxins. This list is for making a thick understanding only. You will read about many diseases in other chapters. Only a few specific diseases have been discussed in this chapter. In childhood the digestive system, respiratory system and skin diseases are the most. Malnutrition also increases due to worms in the body. It is not enough to give medication for the disease. In order to protect the health of children and save them from death, we should also focus on defending diseases and treating them in the beginning. Nutrition, hygiene and vaccination are very important.

  • Pneumonia

Pneumonia affects the lung tissues. The reason for this is usually bacterial infections. Virus infection is very rare. Transition occurs by air. Pneumonia causes inflammation in any part of the lungs. This makes the child breathe fast. Inflammation leads to cough, fever and other symptoms such as starvation, vomiting, and excessive weakness. A healthy child usually does not have pneumonia. Normally pneumonia occurs when the body’s immune deficiency is weakened by any other illness. Children recovering from measles or any virus respiratory system, malnourished children, premature babies and low-weight children are more prone to pneumonia. Specific rescue is not possible. Child pneumonia is a serious disease in India. This beam to any child less than five years old.

If you need to consult with best Pediatrician in Jaipur then you can find it on Credihealth website or you can call on +918010994994, if you want any medical assistant then medical experts of Credi will help you to choose the right child specialist near you and book an appointment online with priority appointment and get discounts with paytm cashback on booking done through Credihealth website or mobile app.

About the Author tarunbatra

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