
What are a brain tumor and its types? Can tumors be cured?


A brain tumour, called an intracranial tumour, is an abnormal mass of tissue wherein cells grow and increase uncontrollably, apparently unchecked by the mechanisms that regulates normal cells. More than one hundred fifty different brain tumours have been documented, but the two chief groups of brain tumours are called primary and metastatic. And even if you are suffering with brain tumour you can cure it with timely treatment. You should check out brain tumour surgery cost in India and talk to a doctor right away.

Anyhow, talking about primary brain tumours, these include tumours that stem from the tissues of the brain or that of brain’s immediate surroundings. Primary tumours are considered as glial (composed of glial cells) or even non-glial (developed on or in structures of the brain, encompassing nerves, blood vessels and even glands) and benign or malignant. Speaking of metastatic brain tumours, they include tumours that emerge elsewhere in the body (like that of the breast or lungs) and migrate to the area of brain, generally through the bloodstream. Metastatic tumours are believed to be cancer and are malignant.

You know these metastatic tumours to the brain impact nearly one in four patients having cancer, or an assessed one hundred fifty thousand people a year. Up to forty percent of people having lung cancer will develop metastatic brain tumours. In the past, the result for patients diagnosed with these tumours was absolutely poor, with characteristic survival rates of only several weeks. More sophisticated diagnostic tools, apart from innovative surgical and radiation approaches, have assisted survival rates expand up to years; and even permitted for an enhanced quality of life for patients following diagnosis.

Kinds of Benign Brain Tumours

There are several types and a few are like: 

  • Chordia’s are benign, sluggishly -growing tumours that are most apparent in people ages 50 to 60. Their most common situations are the base of skull and lower portion of the spine. Though these tumours are benign, they could invade the adjacent bone and put pressure on nearing neural tissue. These are infrequent tumours, contributing to just 0.2 percent of all the primary brain tumours.
  • Craniopharyngiomas characteristically are benign, but are challenging tumours to eradicate because of their location near critical structures deep in brain. They generally arise from a part of the pituitary gland (the structure that controls many hormones in the body), so approximately all patients will require some hormone replacement therapy.
  • Gangliocytomas, ganglia’s and that of anaplastic gangliogliomas are infrequent tumours that encompass neoplastic nerve cells that are comparatively well-differentiated, emerging primarily in young adults.

Other Types of Brain Tumours

  • Hemangioblastomas are slow-enhancing tumours, commonly stemmed in the cerebellum. They emerge from blood vessels, can be huge in size and often are accompanied by a cyst. These tumours are most common in folks ages forty to sixty and are more prevalent in men than that of women.
  • Rhabdoid tumours are infrequent, highly aggressive tumours that incline to spread throughout the central nervous system. These often appear in manifold sites in the body, mainly in the kidneys. These are more prevalent in young kids, but also can emerge in adults.

Paediatric Brain Tumours

Brain tumours in children characteristically come from diverse tissues than those impacting adults. Treatments that are fairly well-tolerated by the adult brain (like radiation therapy) could prevent normal development of a child’s brain, mainly in children younger than age 5.

As per the Paediatric Brain Tumour Foundation, nearly 4,200 kids are diagnosed with a brain tumour in the U.S. Seventy-two percent of kids diagnosed with a brain tumour are younger than age fifteen. Most of these brain tumours grow in the posterior fossa (or that of back) of the brain.  Kids often present with hydrocephalus (fluid build-up in the brain) or face or body not working properly.

Remember there are some types of brain tumours that are more common in children than that of in adults. The most common kinds of Pediatric tumours are medulloblastomas, low-grade astrocytoma’s, ependymomas, craniopharyngiomas and that of brainstem gliomas.


Thus, the point is whatever type of brain tumour is it is important that you don’t take a chance. Timely treatment can get you knew life. You can talk to the doctor regarding brain tumour surgery cost in India and get started with the treatment as soon as possible for best results.

About the Author tarunbatra

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